A cheap retrospective of my nonfiction video series about an east Texas amateur video maker in Marshall, Texas invited to Hollywood to be in a documentary and the strange and twisted path that Amtrak railroad trip took. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Response to vlogging game where someone tags you to make a video stating five little-known facts about yourself. An internet chain letter. Soundtrack courtesy Incompetech Distributed by Tubemogul.
Part 40 of a 50-part series on Amtrak passenger train travel across America. This episode: Parked Outside Yuma. Music by blackturtle.us http://www.blackturtle.us/ Distributed by Tubemogul.
Part 34 of a 50-part series about an east Texas amateur videomaker in Marshall, Texas invited to Hollywood to be in a documentary about homeless veterans shelters and the twisted path the Amtrak train trip took. Distributed by Tubemogul.
A day in the life of a crack motel resident who doesn't enjoy the Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window view of cops and felons playing out their daily Three Stooges routine. Distributed by Tubemogul.
A brief video tour of the St Mary's University facade in San Antonio, Texas where I tried to go to school forever under the Disabled Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Chapter 41). This video is to show my kids where I went to school...and why I stayed there so long. Distributed by Tubemogul.
I promised Nalts a while back that I would camcord an actual east Texas southern meth lab and now I'm making good on my promise. Are you happy now, Nalts? I had to skeedaddle out of there when they spotted me. Distributed by Tubemogul.
My homeless, RV-dwelling attorney talks about a homeless veteran he tried to help and the problem of patient dumping in Los Angeles. A series. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Taking a sentimental journey back to the duplexes on Pine Street I bought for my children to grow up in back in the Snake Hill District just outside Ft. Sam Houston Army Base in San Antonio, Texas. Background music is a Garageband loop. Distributed by Tubemogul.