Saturday, June 14, 2008

CRP3: Last Leg Out Of Texas

Part 3 of a cheap retrospective about my train trip to Hollywood and the two day ride through Texas it involved. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Cheap Retrospective

A cheap retrospective of my nonfiction video series about an east Texas amateur video maker in Marshall, Texas invited to Hollywood to be in a documentary and the strange and twisted path that Amtrak railroad trip took. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Better Be

If someone is buried, shouldn't they be dead first? Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Tagged #3

Response to vlogging game where someone tags you to make a video stating five little-known facts about yourself. An internet chain letter. Soundtrack courtesy Incompetech Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Badderest Videos I Have Made

Video clips from some really bad old videos I have made for my online art. A series. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Nine Subs Morphing

Another musical tribute to the marquisdejolie viral video experience. A series. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

How To Photoshop A Resume

Animated description of how to create a bad resume with Photoshop. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Parked Outside Yuma

Part 40 of a 50-part series on Amtrak passenger train travel across America. This episode: Parked Outside Yuma. Music by Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Old People

An experimental art video about our cultural attitude towards old people. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Breakfast In The New Mexico Desert

Part 34 of a 50-part series about an east Texas amateur videomaker in Marshall, Texas invited to Hollywood to be in a documentary about homeless veterans shelters and the twisted path the Amtrak train trip took. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Crack Pagent Refurbished

A day in the life of a crack motel resident who doesn't enjoy the Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window view of cops and felons playing out their daily Three Stooges routine. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Dog Sees Ghost

My dog Annie meets our in-house ghost. Footage of my schnauzer disturbed by the poltergeist in our hallway. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm Not Little

My cute little granddaughter Piper objects to her big brother's assertion that he's left her behind in childhood. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Monday, June 09, 2008

St Mary's For My Kids

A brief video tour of the St Mary's University facade in San Antonio, Texas where I tried to go to school forever under the Disabled Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Chapter 41). This video is to show my kids where I went to school...and why I stayed there so long. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Southern Meth Lab

I promised Nalts a while back that I would camcord an actual east Texas southern meth lab and now I'm making good on my promise. Are you happy now, Nalts? I had to skeedaddle out of there when they spotted me. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Why Joe Checked Out

My homeless, RV-dwelling attorney talks about a homeless veteran he tried to help and the problem of patient dumping in Los Angeles. A series. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Daddy Twist

My grandson demonstrates the "Did daddy see me hitting my sister?" twist-around at a recent family campout. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)